
To make the information on our productions accessible to a broader audience, you can find the English translation of selected texts from our website here. The dance production «Goldberg Variations» captivates its audience with a moving choreography and a live musical performance by the Luzerner Sinfonieorchester.

About ...

... Goldberg-Variations by TanzLuzern.
Choreography by Alba Castillo, with music by Johann Sebastian Bach

How artistically inspiring can it be to work in a sustainable way? This production proves: very much so! The multifaceted stage design consisting of many mirrors, originally created for last season’s drama production «The Picture of Dorian Gray» is being brought back to life in a completely different and re-worked form. For the costumes, too, the theatre's collection offered plenty of inspiration to revamp items and include them in an altered cut; in addition, the fabrics used were dyed with natural colours. This approach has been fittingly paired with Bach's famous composition of the «Goldberg Variations» - again in an adapted score, namely in the version for orchestra. These many ideas have now resulted in a varied evening for all the senses, with baroque music, dance, reflective stage elements, costumes of all kinds and sparkling lights that will invite you to marvel.



  • from age 12
  • 2 hours
  • CHF 30 - 105
  • "Goldberg Variations" by Johann Sebastian Bach, in an arrangement for orchestra


World premiere: 13.1.2024


Production crew

Choreographer – Alba Castillo
Musical direction – Jesse Wong
Stage – Valentin Köhler
Costumes – Sarah Hofer
Light – Lukas Marian
Dramatic composition –  Wanda Puvogel

Dates & Tickets